

One lucky player will be selected out of the crowd to participate in a Pulse Arena Community Game. This player will play the game from the comfort of their own Play Station as the content is simultaneously broadcasted on to the expansive video wall; allowing all of the players in the Arena to watch and cheer on!

Game controls are based on one or two virtual buttons, making the games extremely easy to control and ensuring a rewarding quest experience that allows for anyone that participates to be successful. Community Games are play for prize games that have no monetary value, and they are just one of the things that create an elevated level of excitement in the Pulse Arena.

2. 11. 2016


The game is inspired by the most popular karting games.
2. 11. 2016


This game is about executing stadium jumps as perfectly as possible.
2. 11. 2016

Cartoon Cross Country

Cartoon Cross Country shares the same mechanic as Cross Country, but it is set in a stylized environment on the Planet of Monsters.
2. 11. 2016

Cross Country

This game takes the player on an off road track, pitted against two computer-controlled racers.